The Difference Between Forced Draft and Natural Draft Cooling Towers
Written by webtechs

The Difference Between Forced Draft and Natural Draft Cooling Towers

Forced draft and natural draft cooling towers are two types of cooling towers used in industrial and commercial applications to remove heat from process water or air. Here’s a comparison of the two:

Forced Draft Cooling Towers

How They Work:

  • Fan Location: In a forced draft cooling tower, the fan is located at the air intake side of the tower. The fan pushes air through the fill media and across the hot water, promoting heat exchange.
  • Air Movement: The fan forces air into the tower, which enhances the heat transfer process and helps to cool the water.


  1. Compact Design: Typically more compact and can be installed in smaller spaces.
  2. Flexible Installation: Can be installed in various configurations and is not as affected by environmental conditions.
  3. Controlled Airflow: Allows for better control of airflow and heat exchange efficiency.


  1. Energy Consumption: Requires a fan and motor, which can lead to higher energy consumption and operational costs.
  2. Maintenance: Fans and motors require regular maintenance and can be subject to wear and tear.

Natural Draft Cooling Towers

How They Work:

  • Fan Location: Natural draft cooling towers do not use mechanical fans. Instead, they rely on the natural circulation of air caused by the buoyancy of the hot air rising through the tower.
  • Air Movement: Hot air rises naturally through the tower due to its lower density compared to the cooler surrounding air. This natural convection creates airflow that cools the water.


  1. Energy Efficiency: No mechanical fans are required, which can lead to lower energy consumption and reduced operational costs.
  2. Durability: Fewer moving parts mean less maintenance and longer operational life.


  1. Size and Height: Typically larger and taller than forced draft towers, which may limit their placement options.
  2. Environmental Dependence: The effectiveness of natural draft cooling towers can be influenced by environmental conditions like wind and ambient temperature.


  • Forced Draft Cooling Towers: Use mechanical fans to push air through the tower, offering flexibility and compact design but at the cost of higher energy consumption.
  • Natural Draft Cooling Towers: Rely on natural air circulation for cooling, resulting in lower energy costs and maintenance but requiring a larger footprint and being influenced by environmental factors.

Choosing between the two depends on factors like available space, energy efficiency goals, maintenance preferences, and environmental conditions.

Cooling Tower Installation, Replacement, & Refurbishment in Arizona & Nevada

Our team offers complete cooling tower refurbishment that will save your company tens of thousands of dollars over buying and installing new cooling towers.  Cooling tower refurbishment and rebuilding adds about another 15 years of life to your equipment and helps you get your money’s worth out of your original investment in your cooling tower or property. We offer cooling tower installation, replacement, and refurbishment in Arizona and Nevada. We also sell other cooling tower parts and products.

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