On average, cooling towers cost about $125,000 to replace. In the United States, a cooling tower replacement will typically cost between $50,000 and $200,000 for the year 2019. A commercial cooling tower will last between 15 and 20 years according to most manufacturers of commercial cooling towers.
When a cooler tower age past 20 years there will be a need to completely rebuild or refabricate the tower. This means that towers built pre 2000 will need some form of commercial rehab or a total replacement. Shareholders of commercial cooling towers are often aware of the baffling costs associated with a complete rebuild of a cooling tower versus the savings of time and money for common maintenance and rehabbing of a cooling tower.
Per Ton Replacement Cost
The cost per ton for a cooling tower depends on the size of a cooling tower, as well as other features like epoxy treatment or brand specific equipment. The general rule of thumb is that larger cooling towers cost more to be installed, transported, and maintained. By now it should be apparent that by maintaining equipment with preventative maintenance and rehabbing will drastically reduce repair costs.
Cost of Refurbishing a Cooling Tower
Cooling tower products provide detailed evaluations and inspection services coupled with repair plus cleaning services! By performing regular cleaning and inspections, cooling tower repair costs will be decreased during the lifetime of cooling towers. Since a refurbishment is not the same as a repair, often-times cooling tower owners can raise capital to cover these costs! Not only does it make it easier to pay for refurbishments you can also expect a cost savings of 60% when compared to a repair.
Cooling Tower Cost for Feeder Water System
Without going into the specifics of different cooling tower systems a general ballpark cost will be between $50,000 to $100,000 for 100 Gallons Per Minute if desilicizer and softener treatment are required costs vary from $100,000–$250,000.
Cooling Tower Cost for Circulation Water System
A side stream filtration unit may cost about $50,000 at 100 GPM all the way up to $300,000 at 1,000 GPM, depending on the filtration type needed.
Cooling Tower Cost for Blowdown System
If you are looking to treat a cooling tower blowdown system which needs around seventy-five percent of water to be reused and recovered (100 Gallons Per Minute Stream), this type of system would cost about $300,000. A zero liquid discharge can be required based on the regulatory conditions present which can push costs to $3,000,000- $5,000,000 which includes crystallization and evaporation of water.
Cooling Tower Installation, Replacement, & Refurbishment in Arizona & Nevada
Our team offers complete cooling tower refurbishment that will save your company tens of thousands of dollars over buying and installing new cooling towers. Cooling tower refurbishment and rebuilding adds about another 15 years of life to your equipment and helps you get your money’s worth out of your original investment in your cooling tower or property. We offer cooling tower installation, replacement, and refurbishment in Arizona and Nevada. We also sell other cooling tower parts and products.