About Us
About Cooling Tower Products Phoenix Arizona 602-268-1584
Cooling Tower Products has maintained the competitive edge for PVC Replacement Parts as we are a manufacturer and direct supplier of PVC Fill, Drift Eliminators and Louvers for all makes and models of cooling towers, specializing in aftermarket sales since 1975. During this time, we have accumulated a broad range of cooling tower information that can be helpful in cross referencing both current and obsolete towers for replacement parts.
Keeping your cooling towers operating at maximum efficiency will allow you to save a lot of money over the lifetime of your towers. The very nature and function of cooling towers often demand that they be situated in a remote area. These areas often make inspection and preventative maintenance difficult at best, which is why our decades of experience are so valuable. We have truly seen it all and are able to handle anything your cooling tower set up can throw at us.
The wetted components; fill, drift eliminators and louvers; play a major role in determining whether your tower is operating efficiently or not. These components are prone to deposit scaling and biological growth as well as abuse from fire hoses, acid, excess heat and uv light.
While it’s hard to make efficiency claims about one product over another, we can make statements based upon an enthalpy chart. If we can return water from the tower just 1 (f) degree colder, it will reduce the system energy requirements by 3 1/4 percent. A typical fill, drift eliminator and louver installation can reduce water temperature by 3 (f) degrees, reflecting almost a 10% savings. We consistently rebuild several towers every year that show a 7 (f) degree or better water temperature reduction. A typical downtown high rise building with a 1000 ton system with a 3 (f) degree drop could save $20,000 a year. These savings will more than pay for the tower rebuild and keep your energy costs down for years to come.
We also routinely disassemble towers, abrasive blast, fiberglass and epoxy coat the interior which can add up to 15 years of additional life. Please click the link to the Arizona services button at the top to find more details about this service. Check back soon, as we are continuing to build this site into a useful tool for the industry.
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